
Showing posts from December, 2017

Why coaching is perfect for moms!

Why coaching is perfect for moms! Moms can be CEOs, be fit & rock social media! I became a coach before having my son, but now more then ever I am so grateful for this opportunity! Nobody wants to pay for daycare, I know a lot of moms who hate dropping their kids off everyday. Being a coach and a SAHM isn't always easy but I'm telling you its worth it!  You might be wondering , "what is a coach?" Well we are people that love beachbody, the workouts, the meal plans & the supplements and want to share them with the world! I pretty much share my life on instagram. I share my workouts, food pix, baby pix, dogs , my personal development , its my life in photos! People always ask me, you get paid for this?? Yes, yes I do!! As a coach I get to talk to new people daily and help them reach their goals. How awesome is that! Trust me it feels amazing when someone comes back to me after 3 weeks , 3 days, 4 months and tells me they have changed their lives ...

Awesome December + Finish Your Year Strong With These Four Tips

Awesome December  + Finish Your Year Strong With These Four Tips December is here, which means we have a new month with new goals and opportunities ! Its time to start living our best life yet.  In order to change our lives for the better we  have to make some changes or improvements on what we are currently doing  and take a good look at our priorities. The good thing is that we can always change our lives for the better at any time ! Why wait for a New Year to make a change?? right now seems like the perfect time! 1. Take a good look at your life. How is 2017 going so far? Is there anything that you know that you could be doing better? What are you doing well? Is there a  goal you set this year that you have not hit? What are you proud of this year?  If we do not take accurate stock of where we are and do not have an accurate depiction of where we are headed then we cannot expect to make meaningful progress.  I suggest doing a l...