Why coaching is perfect for moms!
Moms can be CEOs, be fit & rock social media! I became a coach before having my son, but now more then ever I am so grateful for this opportunity! Nobody wants to pay for daycare, I know a lot of moms who hate dropping their kids off everyday. Being a coach and a SAHM isn't always easy but I'm telling you its worth it!
You might be wondering , "what is a coach?" Well we are people that love beachbody, the workouts, the meal plans & the supplements and want to share them with the world! I pretty much share my life on instagram. I share my workouts, food pix, baby pix, dogs , my personal development , its my life in photos! People always ask me, you get paid for this?? Yes, yes I do!!
As a coach I get to talk to new people daily and help them reach their goals. How awesome is that! Trust me it feels amazing when someone comes back to me after 3 weeks , 3 days, 4 months and tells me they have changed their lives because of me! That never gets old. I love helping people live their best lives. Some people have goals when it comes to health & fitness while others have goals of becoming debt free, leaving their jobs and being able to stay home with their kids. I have all of the above goals!!
If you are thinking , I have NO free time! Think again. I bet you do. My son takes two naps a day, one for an hour in the am, during this time I get my work done. I answer my emails, invite to my online wellness group, talk to people about joining our team ect. I usually still have time to do some laundry and get the dishes done! In the afternoon my son sleeps for two hours. I try and get my workouts done during that time. After my workouts ( those are 30 minutes done right at home ) I spend time growing my social media. Then at bedtime I spend some more time growing my social media which in turn grows my business. The thing about coaching is its all up to YOU. If you have giant goals of making all the money you might work more then me. There are plenty of coaches on my team that are full time and they work all day. We also have success coaching who work a few hours a day, its literally up to you!
Check out this video about I manage being a mom and coach! If you are ready to join our team or want to learn more please email me today! Kventi222@gmail.com
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