My Morning Routine

My morning routine

I just recently started doing a miracle morning right when I wake up everyday ( if you haven't read that book go grab a copy!) Its such a game changer!!! Doing my MM everyday has truly made my life so much happier. My attitude has changed and so has my business.  Every morning when I wake up I grab my notebook and coffee and get to work. 

Most mornings start with me feeding Brody and then leaving him in bed with Shane. If Shane is already gone to work then I either give something to him to entertain him or wait till he takes his morning nap.

A quick review of a MM: S.A.V.E.R.S. Silence ( meditate) Affirmation , Visualize ( your dreams) Exercise, Read, Scribble ( journal ) 

Each morning I wake up, feed baby,  start the coffee and let my dogs out. Then I start my MM. I start with about 2-5 minutes of quite breathing ( my fitbit has a "relax" setting that helps me) or I turn on BOD and do the 10 minute AM meditation. After that I read my affirmations outlaid. I say things like " I will make today great" " I will add to my business today" ect. And then I visualize my goals , I visualize the act of hitting my goals. I do my exercise last or sometimes later in the day. I read for about ten minutes from which ever personal development book I am on and then I journal. I journal about things I am grateful for, my goals for the day, ways to make the day great ect. then I get to work on my business. 

I check in with my fitness groups and make sure to get a post in the groups. Then I post on both FB and instagram. I then check all my emails and messages, add to my friend list, find new people to connect with and follow up with everyone I have been chatting with. After that I make my menu for the day. 

And just like that I am off to an amazing day all before 10 am!! 

I am inviting YOU to join me this June to start your morning routine. I will be doing a miracle morning , bullet journaling and playing a fun game from instagram called #planwithmechallenge check them out and let me know if you want to join in on the fun!!! 


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