Why coaching is perfect for moms!
Why coaching is perfect for moms! Moms can be CEOs, be fit & rock social media! I became a coach before having my son, but now more then ever I am so grateful for this opportunity! Nobody wants to pay for daycare, I know a lot of moms who hate dropping their kids off everyday. Being a coach and a SAHM isn't always easy but I'm telling you its worth it! You might be wondering , "what is a coach?" Well we are people that love beachbody, the workouts, the meal plans & the supplements and want to share them with the world! I pretty much share my life on instagram. I share my workouts, food pix, baby pix, dogs , my personal development , its my life in photos! People always ask me, you get paid for this?? Yes, yes I do!! As a coach I get to talk to new people daily and help them reach their goals. How awesome is that! Trust me it feels amazing when someone comes back to me after 3 weeks , 3 days, 4 months and tells me they have changed their lives ...